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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers

Sunday, November 1, 2009

God of War III


This weekend the good folks at Sony Computer Entertainment saw it fit to give me early access to the game. They did a selected "valued PlayStation®Network user" access code giveaway and I guess they value me :-)

It is the E3 2009 demo and within the demo file they've included the E3 trailer from the same event. And what do I think?  

First off the demo is pretty kick-arse and does showcase alot of the gameplay mechanics and does it well. It looks great and feels organic to play once you've screwed your head around the controls and the flow of it's use. Made me want the game and the PSP game and made me look forward to the re-issue of GoW and GoW II in upscaled Blu-Ray glory.

Visceral and primal, yet sophisticated and absolutely NOT for kids! I am pretty hardened when it comes to violence in my media but this has some moments even I felt a bit "urk.. feel a little sick". I do love it when things can shake me up and stir something deep in me. :)

I do see that this is a 6+month old build and that it's essentially a beta code but with this as the basis for the late March 2010 release, this game is going to be awesome! No questions asked. If this is a real taste for the game I am so there come March 24th next year, first in line.

I do however question the reasoning behind this type of demo release. I guess they like to do something special at times and make some feel special in the process. But having said that, they ought to have a new demo out some time prior to the game being released for all PSN users.

Monday, October 26, 2009

IIIUUUHH! Hardcopy! or??

In todays world there are plenty of ways to get games (and other media) from the developer to you. You can go to a shop and pick it up, or go order a copy off the Internet or even get it digitally via the wonder of the online space. Right.. So. What is the future of game distribution and how will it affect and effect our way of getting them, keeping them and playing them?

The old way.

You go and buy a game with box and a manual and everything else that might ship with it. You know like special editions or pre-order bonuses or whatever. The game is now yours. You can keep it forever and play it forever provided your console/PC (as with OS'es progressing and making old games hard to either run or install and those kind of problems) don't die on you or you fuck up the disc or whatever media they use in the future. So far so good right?

The new way (sort of).

You get your game through a download service such as PSN, XBL, Steam, GOG and whomever else does digital distribution. You put in your details and that and hey presto a little while after you're playing you newly acquired game without even so much as farting in physical effort. In other words, It's brilliant! 

So far so good. Choices! Options!

Now I'm going to argue the pros and the cons of both these forms of getting your gaming needs met and a pondering of the future of such distribution.

Buying on physical media: 

Aright, you go buy your game at a proper shop, you know one within a building and with clerks and everything. You pay your money (usually 40-60$/399-599NOK/30-50€) and in return you get the game you want. In a nice little box with the extra stuff the publisher put in with it. Great! It's yours forever and you can play this thing til you die an old man or woman if you so desire. And you can show it off, take it with you to friends places and give them away or trade them(though that's a total rip-off if you ask me) in for other games. 

So far all is good. But wait! this also means that there is extra cost involved in getting this game to you. Cost that could go to making gaming better and might lead to more game developing companies surviving. And also costs that keeps games expensive to you the consumer.

Buying digitally:

Now you go into the online space to get your game. You put in you personal details and payment option and make an account and all that jazz to prepare for shopping. You find your game, pay, download and Todd's your uncle. You didn't spend money on transport to get you to a from the shop, all you did was sit comfortably at home (some other location) and got the game delivered to you directly and stored on your media of choice (memory stick, harddrive, solid state drive, phone etc.) and you're playing and having fun. And you probably saved money too. (10-15$/50-100NOK/8-13€).

Good stuff right. Publisher don't have to pay for replication, disc and manual (and extras) manufacturing and and the money can instead go to the licence fees and such and then more money goes back to the developers and you know everyone wins right? Well not so fast!  What about owning your game you payed for. So far digital distribution isn't full ownership. Why you ask? Well here are a few reasons why. First of all you can't take this copy over to a friends house and do what you like with it, no more trade-in and having a collection to show off. Secondly you are at the mercy of these distribution companies to have access to it in case of corruption of you games, your PC needs reintalling or you change PC and such, you know bad luck. And what about the future, you might want to go back and revisit your old games but holy crap! The service went down and you can no longer access it. In essence until these distribution companies can guarantee you lifetime access to your games you bought, you're just leasing them for a unknown time-frame, might be 2 years it might be 10 or such. 

The way I see it, if full digital distribution is the future, then new standards in storing and accessing your purchases must be established. 

1) Price of games must drop along with other DLC (read:addons) 2) Storage must be a lot cheaper 3) Distributors service/servers maintained forever. to ensure you access to your purchases for a lifetime. (you bought it you own it so only fair) 4) In case of distributor going bankrupt or discontinuing their services the prior customer base must be sold off (with proper protection of personal information and that end of the business) to a new one to maintain proper ownership. 5) a swap-games option must be enabled to be able to gift someone a game or simply swap games to have more games played (and this would also eliminate piracy a lot as people could just swap games between them on the fly). 6) country borders and treating different regions differently must die a horrible death.

These are my thoughts on the matter. 

Curious to hear your thoughts. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Digital Life

Since the start of Sanctuary season 2 I've started to be involved with the Sanctuary For All (SFA for short) community.  There I have found a great group of friends, yes i call them friends already, that has been nothing but nice and welcoming. There I've found someone to discuss my favourite show and my other interests and basically found like-minded people. Thanks to my fellow Sancturians, You're awesome!

I've also become more active on Twitter (See top of blog to find me) and have had good short-burst conversations, and at the same time found out I'm a bit Stargate-autistic. Lots of my fellow Sancturians is there and it's a great way to keep up with the more behind the scenes of my two fave sci-fi shows; Sanctuary and Stargate Universe. 

And I've gone and bought Brütal Legend, and that game is so Metal and awesome! If you are 1) a fan of metal and hard rock, 2) like Jack Black, 3) like Tim Schaefer (any of those three) you need to buy this game! Period!

Waiting on my Sanctuary season 1 DVD, should be here next week. :)

Other than that I'm working and eating and sleeping and keeping up with my online stuff and shows. 

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My New Number 1 Show


Season two started Friday (or yesterday for me) and the show is back in a tour de force manner. The story kicks off right where it left off in season 1 and the performance of the cast was thrilling, heartbreaking, astonishing and compelling in a great way. Special honours goes to Amanda Tapping and Emilie Ullerup for their heart tugging portrayal. And for great snark and flare Jonathon Young. And the interaction between Amanda and Christopher Heyerdahl is so sweet in a creepy scary kind of way (but still a good way).  Yes I on purpose use the actors name to give them the proper respect and praise for their excellent work. Plus I will not spoil anything for you, as I hate spoilers myself.

The show is turning into a formidable force to be reckoned with and I am so impressed with it due to the way it started, as a passion project on the internet in the form of a web-series. Damien Kindler, Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping has done a phenomenal job bringing this to life and what a blessing it is that it got picked up and made into a proper high quality TV show. 

I have nothing but praise for this show and I urge you to all get the season 1 DVD boxset where you'll get the webisodes and other extras. I'm getting it soon. 

Watch it! 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rocktober Is Soon Upon Us


From EA's own YouTube 


Out Rocktober 13th, 15th or 16th, depending on where you are in the world.

PS3 and Xbox 360

This is so Metal!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

News As It Were

I've gotten on the track of learning japanese now, using my Let's Learn Hiragana book. So far I've learn to read and identify 4 out of 46 of the basic Hiragana and also sort of write them. A good start I find. :-) I feel this is now a real achievable goal me learning this rather beautiful language. If I keep up my studies this project of mine will be a success. I'll be keeping you posted on my progress. :-) 

Apart from that I'm working a lot and is feeling rather good about my life in general. Sure I do have some low/dark moments but I overcome them by various means. Been reading a bit, gotten through volume 1 of the Berserk and Samurai Deeper Kyo manga. And is about to start book 2 of Timothy Zahn*s Thrawn Trilogy. Waiting on october 15th, then Brütal Legend a game I'm so stoked for comes out, 6ft cheeseburger erection type stoked (if you get that one you are a geek), AND I really hope they release the full soundtrack for it!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Beautiful People

I've been lately thinking about people I find attractive, beautiful, gorgeous and sexy, as such I'm forging ahead now. Now this will not be a "Top 10" type list but just a look into what I find to be the above mentioned. The order is random and just will contain what makes them attractive. 

Stephen Fry:

He opens his mouth and what comes out sounds like poetry, such an exquisite use of the English language. Even when being crude and cheeky it sounds marvelous. And he writes just as well as he sounds. I love a man that can express himself well. The way he chooses to to dress himself is so cool. It's so exciting to see what tie/accessories, shirt, suit combo he does, or for that matter when being casual, even then he is classy. He is such a gorgeous man, inside and outside. A beautiful face with sweet eyes, tall and handsome. I love it when he sports the longish messy hair, like on QI season 5/6. Makes me wish I was a man. 

Keith Olbermann:

A silver fox. That silver mane graduating into black with that radiant face, cheeky smile and those blue eyes. a great sense of style, also a man with great suits, shirts and ties and that is something I like a lot. His voice is of that great baritone quality and he uses it to great effect in his delivery of his Special Comments and when I'm watching Countdown I get a thrill in his usage of the English language, rare for americans to use it that way. And at some point during the show I just get lost in how good looking he is. He is a caring and loving man with his emotions rather on his sleeve, which is another reason I find him beautiful. And check back on my November 11th '08 post to see what made me a true fan of him.

Amanda Tapping:

Now this is a woman I've been in love with for a good while. She is such a beautiful and gorgeous woman. She has these big blue awesome eyes and a super sweet face and fantastic hair. And her personality is a sweet, caring, cheeky and strong force. She is one talented woman, She writes, produces, directs and acts and has her own show now(with some of her StarGate collegues) and she is funny as hell! If you look up her convention appearances or even the commentary she's done on the SG-1 DVDs you'll know why. Once again I wish I was a man.

Eddie Izzard:

A man that can pull of wearing a dress and high heels better than some women can. And he got nice legs. He is such a funny, goofy, random guy and has that je ne sais quoi sexy thing going on. He has this amazing ability to go from handsome rugged man to this feminine gorgeous version of himself. and he's a self-proclaimed action transvestite. And I like his acting and his stand-up is great. What can I say he appeals to both side of my sexuality. 

Hugh Laurie:

I've always thought he was good looking but he is the sort of man that gets better with age. That tall slender frame with that nice rugged look he sports now since becoming Dr. House and those fantastic blue eyes, makes a girl pay attention. And he like Fry have my kind of outlook on things and I find being funny a sexy attribute. He's talented, and a great musician and has this very English humbleness to him, which is quite a good quality. 

David Hewlett:

He's just cute as a puppy, I mean, such a sweet, funny man. He's a handsome guy that don't get the attention he deserves.  Always eager to interact with fans and don't take himself serious at all. And a great comedic talent, with an amazing ability to really bring forth some hardcore emotions and portrayal of character (just see how far he went with Dr. McKay) and a good actor/writer/director. See his A Dogs Breakfast to know why, and has some added value for Stargate fans. 

Claudia Black:

Dark haired spunky yet goofy woman, with a big radiant smile and pretty eyes. First caught my eyes in Farscape as an aggressive, yet troubled Peacekeeper warrior. And if you've seen Farscape you'll know why I'm so keen on her.  She has since become more beautiful and has a great sense of humour and good at sillyness. Good with fans and doesn't take herself seriously. 

These are some of the poeple I find attractive and makes my heart skip a beat or beat harder. I just felt putting it out there.

The Journey Has Begun

Today my book order arrived from the UK.

Let's Learn Hiragana and Let's Learn katakana. So now my venture into learning japanese is at hand. I've begun to dabble with it already and has learned my first hiragana. And having a quick look at the hiragana alphabet as it were I might have worked out how I should write my own name. Though progressing through this I might be proven right or I'll find out I'm wrong. Time will tell.

So I'll be tri-lingual by the time this is completed. (or quad-lingual if you count swedish).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Decisions And Other News.

Been a while since my last entry. Been working, and the usual life stuff. 

I've made a decision last weekend. I am going to learn japanese! I'm just waiting on my paycheck so i can go ahead and buy the first two books on the japanese written language, Hiragana and Katakana. Later I'll study Kanji the third written type. I've gotten advice that starting to learn the written part first is a good place to start, and it does makes sense as if you can't read a language like japanese you will struggle in actually learning it properly. But I'll study it about an hour every day I think. (depending on energy level of course) and then get a hold of more study material as I progress.

I do have a goal of going to Japan (Tokyo) before I'm 40 (preferably 35) but that's not the main reason I want to learn the language. I have a love for anime and manga and as such I would like to not be depending on a)localized anime (you know with subtitles)/manga or b) fan translations. And if I know japanese I can just order straight form there anything I'd like to read/watch(or games I'd like to play but hate the english dub).

Hm.. Going to need a japanese keyboard soon don't I (that and the "font pack")? 

Plus japanese is to me a beautyful and awesome language! 

I've discovered a nice "new" anime via a music video on YouTube. Busou Renkin. I've seen a few episodes and I really like it and while it's a bit creepy in some areas it's a good anime. 

And this week I've seen Gedo Senki and Neko No Ongaeshi both movies from Studio Ghibli and both wonderful stories. 

I have started on Book 1 of Berserk. So far a rather brutal manga. still trying to get the story but I've just read two chapters so far. 

Yeah I'm rather immersed in this kind of thing right now. But it's all good! :-)

Other than this I'm playing a little and hanging out online. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's up? A little update on my life.

Right.. I've not been real active with the blog lately but I've been up to a few things.

Mainly I've been busy working. I've gotten promoted since my last life update, I've gone up to shift manager in rank and is now attending the business meetings and what come with the territory of being in the leader group at work. I've learned alot since I started but i still have tons to learn left. I have to say i do love the work as it presents a challenge and gives me a proper insight into what actually goes into running a shop.  And the people at work fits well with who I am and we have some good laughs. 

Games, yeah I have played some UFC 2009 Undisputed, Uncharted, Final Fantasy VII, and some other little stuff. Found a great way to keep a sort of diary about my gaming. GamerDNA. Where you add your game collection then either through direct updates via XBL or manually PSN or Steam and Xfire keep track of you play habits and how much you play. And you can find likeminded people there.  Contemplating getting the Tales of Monkey Island SE off XBLA or should I buy it on Steam? (though Steam in Europe has had a rather big jump in price since they did the typical idiot move of thinking 1$=1€ which is false. 1€=1,42$ . )

And I've read abit lately. Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis A really good book but for the 18+ crowd. NOT for teens/children.  and slowly making my way through Obama's bio. 

Other than that been helping my brother move.. Again. think this is the third time in a year. And doing my internet stuff and trying to keep a tidy flat. a little later today I'll be playing and reading some more. 


Sunday, June 7, 2009

E3: My impressions

Alright. This past week there was E3. Or Electronic Entertainment Expo if you will. 

I've now caught up on the big 3's (that's Sony, MicroSoft and Nintendo) press conferences and various developer interviews and showcases and such. And I've formed some thoughts on the matter. 

Let's do this in one by one.


Kicked off with Rock Band The Beatles. Now I like the beatles but I personally dont' care about Rock Band or Guitar Hero anymore. Sure it's fun for a bit but I'm not into it anymore. 

Then they had a string of XBLA stuff like Epic Games' new title and some other stuff like Facebook and Twitter being on the 360. And from the flags shown in the expantion of TV streaming bit it seems we're getting it here in Norway too.

Natal looks great but the Milo bit was fake as hell. Though you'd need a frikking huge livingroom to play using that thing ^_^

Modern Warfare 2 looks totally awesome (getting it on PC though) and Forza 3 did impress me.

Metal Gear Solid: Rising looks cool but is multiplatform so not a big deal per say but I love the concept nontheless.

Halo ODST and Halo Reach looks good too (but I've not really play Halo at all apart from a bit on a XBL DL of the original.) 

And I loved the look of Alan Wake.

As a whole I was impressed by Microsoft and as a 360 owner I do see it having a future and has some great stuff coming (though some boring stuff to)  Grade: A-


The good stuff. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, New DS Zelda and the general Motion + stuff.

The bad: Boring and too slow. The New Super Mario Bros Wii just an up-resed version of the DS iteration. Plus that Vitality thing... Yet another thing that needs to be plugged somewhere and I don't see the point of it really.

All in all decent, better that last year(and no stupid story from Cammy about breaking something) so a grade C+.


They showed God of War 3 which looks brutal and it seems it's evolved quite abit from the other two. 

MAG, They actually had a live 256 player demo on stage on the HUGE screen on stage. I'm curious about how they plan to do the hosting of matches and skirmishes. and what resolution and framerate they're shooting for. My guess is 720p 30fps.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, I'm impressed by how far into the scenery you can see and the colours and everything. I should go and get Uncharted shouldn't I?

Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker looks great and a sort of sequel to MGS3. 

Gran Turisimo is just insane however you look at it and it is coming to PSP and PS3 and like 800 cars to collect! I am getting abit stoked I must admidt.

Rachet&Clank: A Crack in Time: Breif mention in the conf but I've seen gameplay and it looks great. 

The wands. I like but will I need it? Got the PS Eye already so perhaps.

Final Fantasy VII announced for PSN and two days later out on PSN. And promptly bought.

Final Fantasy XIV MMO console exclusive. for me I don't give a squirt of piss about it.. Done with MMOs for the time being.

PSP Go. Cool but way too expensive!

Oh I'm forgetting stuff.

Sony was great and stole the show by sheer amount of content and the fact they had an answer to everything the other two came with. Grade A.

Apart for the big 3 there is an impressive amount of stuff coming. :-)

Monday, May 25, 2009

UFC 2009 Undisputed

So today I decided to get this game, and man do I love it!

I've played for a bit and even gotten a trophy. Made a custom fighter and playing with him now.

This is him:


Photo taken off the tv with my W890i phone.

I'll be back later with a full review.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Towel Day

Know Where Your Towel is

On the 25th of may is towel day in honour of Douglas Adams.

The authour of the multimedia phenomenon "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" and other works. If you're a fan you'll know the significans of this day and will understand it.

I'll be marking the day. Will you?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Amanda Tapping

A Sanctuary Interview

GateWorld conducted it's 100th interview and the subject of it was Sanctuary. They talked with Amanda Tapping; executive producer and lead actress in the fantastic series Sanctuary. A show about the supernatural. The interview runs about 30 minutes. 

The interview:

I am so stoked it got renewed for a second season as I have it in my top 10 tv-series of all times. The series was born on the internet in the form of a web show and got picked up by The Sci-Fi Channel and got reworked abit and now is in pre-production (they are shooting it as I write) for season 2. I'm looking forward to it. 

Visit the official site here.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Important Special Comment

On the subject of the torture that has happen in the pursuit of justice for 9/11. I have been following this for quite a while but mostly silently. I have been disgusted by the Bush goverment for letting(or making) it happen. Now I'd like to see them be held responsible for it.

This sums it all up

President Barack Obama, You need to avoid this from happening ever again by holding the culprits accountable. And that I feel should include the men and women that followed the orders to torture. Following orders does not hold water as a defense for them. Remember so did german soldiers during WW2 and what happened? Remember the past and learn from it. Or history is doomed to repeat itself.
America should be better than this.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Stargate Universe

The First Teaser

The third series in the Stargate franchise is set to start airing this fall and here are the first few glimpses from it!

I'm psyched now!

I'm a die-hard Stargate fan and while I'm sad the other two has ended this third installment has me yet again excited for Stargate. And there are a third SG-1 movie in development and a SGA movie too. So the future is looking good for us the stargate fans :-)

And the MMO Stargate Worlds is also in development and while I'm kinda done with MMO's I might return to it if it's great (as it has to be to shell out for a monthly subscription to play)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tonari No Totoro

A review

A.K.A My Neighbor Totoro.

Creator: Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli

Rated E for everyone , production year 1988, cinematic release in Norway 30th march 2007. Watched in japanese with Norwegian subtitles.

So I watched this for the first time ever this wednesday evening. I'd had a crappy prank pulled on me at the end of my work shift and was rather miffed and not really in the best of moods. So I needed something to take my mind off things. 

Oh my lord! Did it ever!

Okey short plot summary first.

It's about a four year old girl called Mei and her big sister Satsuki, they are moving to this old house in the forest with their father while their mother is in hospital for unknown reasons. And then little Mei meets the forest guarding/spirit Totoro and an adventure unfolds. I'm not going any further as I want everyone to watch this movie.

I was so taken with the art style and the artistic workmanship that had gone into the movie and the story is just great. A gem, a treasure really. I've watched quite a few movies out of Studio Ghibli and mr. Miyazaki has been involved in all of them in one way or the oher and that studio has become one of my favourite outlets for anime. Art and storytelling meeting in an animated medium. Quality.

I felt a level of happiness watching this that I rarely do. The movie simply was a joy to watch. I highly recommend it to anyone. I went to bed feeling all warm and fuzzy all over and inside.  Yes this all sound really corny and silly don't it? Well I don't care! I was made truly happy by this movie and it's like a bunch of puppies and kittens kind of good. You know? Oh and I want a cat bus too!! 

My highest recommendations.

Watch it, you will thank me later

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chrono Trigger

Initial thoughts

Got this game yesterday, bought at GAME, took it home and plugged it into my DS. 

Right, first one simple fact about the game. It has not been out in Europe before. Not on the PlayStation nor the Super Nintendo. So I have been wanting to play this since about '95. Well sure I could have modded my PlayStation to play a US release but I am abit of a purist when it comes to my consoles and like to keep them 100% original. 

And so far... I'm NOT disappointed! This game is fantastic. I've played for about 6 hours so far and I'm already involved with the characters. I've renamed them all because I can and because I just want to personalize my play experience. The story has already gripped me and I'm involved in the game. Might this game be the game to make me cry? Long rambling shorten; I'm loving this game! I might come back with a full review once I've finished the game.

And the music is some of the best scoring I've heard in a game (or anything). I kept sitting/laying there humming along while playing. I rarely do that. 

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Today I had a really busy day at work. I've started abit on my new job at the airport in the kiosk department. I've had a sort of crash course in it. and I've also worked the busting tables and cleaning job as well. Multitasking like a fiend at work these days, being in every work place bar the grill basically. Making that cash. yeah.

Tonight I'm frustrated as I want to pay games but my bloody arms are too tired to play. I might just go and fetch my DS and play it. Hmm.. No I got it. I'll read. Surely that must work, hold book flip pages.. Yeah, that'll work. 

Other than work I just try to keep up with everything else. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Keeping Tabs

It's been quiet on my front lately. haven't really been up to much besides sleeping, eating and working. Well that's only somewhat true. I've been reading abit, finished the first part of Barack Obama's book Dreams From My Father. So far it is a really good read. It's very honest and direct while showing a great use of contemporary english, I find it to be great writing. Once I've finished the book I'll come back with more thoughts on it. 

And I've been keeping up with my fave shows; Countdown, Rachel Maddow etc. I was saddened today watching the final episode of Stargate Atlantis ever (well there is one movie coming) and it was a real good SGA episode. And I've watched Sanctuary, a great new show featuring Amanda Tapping of Stargate SG-1 fame. And bought myself new awesome nerd shirts, one Hulk and one Iron Man.

Today I've been contemplating importing some books. As the shops here is unable to get the books I tend to want to read, but I have a tendency to find kind of obscure titles that is written by people that noone here has ever heard about. I'm thinking ordering them straight from the USA (amazon.com FTW) but I need to find out what it'll cost me first. 

And I've been in town and finally gotten myself a proper single malt to enjoy, going to pour myself one in a little while. I could finally afford to buy one.

The end to my evening/night? I went on YouTube and put on Caramelldansen (SSBB version) and wiggled my hips and bounced around to the beat. Jolly good fun every now and then and a frikking good "get the heartrate up" thing to do. What can I say sometimes you just need something totally silly. 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Batman The Dark Knight

Movie Review


I decided to celebrate the coming of the new year with watching Batman The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray (The two disc special edition) as I didn't feel like going out to watch the fireworks as it isn't all that great to look at from my place and the general quality of the fireworks are kinda lame here and you get fed up with them as they start testing it from like the 26th out(Plus I'd already been out this week). Enough about that.

This movie is a dream to watch, it has everything you would want in a movie. The cinematic landscape is fantastic, the way it had been filmed was just stunning. And it contributed greatly to the atmosphere and while I didn't watch it on a 7:1 sound system the sound of the movie was special. And the special effects was really well done. 

The story fits well with who I think Batman is. Christian Bale does a great job portraying our dark caped crusader. The Dark Knight and Batman Begins is in my opinion the best of the live action Batman movies. And Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine brings something subtle yet good to the table. Heath Ledger (may he rest in peace) was fantastic as the lunatic Joker. I wonder who will fill the Joker suit in the next Batman (which I really think will come). I was immersed all the way through and found myself sliding closer and closer to the screen as the movie progressed. This movie is the best movie I've seen this year. Yes it beat Iron Man! One thing that struck me during watching this, Iron Man and Batman are the two superheroes that made themselves, they both rely on technology and their wit to beat the villains.  Thank you DC and Marvel for taking your audience seriously and bringing us great movies of our superheroes. I assume both of you does monitor the produtions.

The extras on the Blu-Ray is great. The Batman tech special is a wonderful  thing to watch. Especially for a nerd like me. Very pleased with this release. 

I'll sum it up with this:

Go buy it and watch it!!