Alright. This past week there was E3. Or Electronic Entertainment Expo if you will.
I've now caught up on the big 3's (that's Sony, MicroSoft and Nintendo) press conferences and various developer interviews and showcases and such. And I've formed some thoughts on the matter.
Let's do this in one by one.
Kicked off with Rock Band The Beatles. Now I like the beatles but I personally dont' care about Rock Band or Guitar Hero anymore. Sure it's fun for a bit but I'm not into it anymore.
Then they had a string of XBLA stuff like Epic Games' new title and some other stuff like Facebook and Twitter being on the 360. And from the flags shown in the expantion of TV streaming bit it seems we're getting it here in Norway too.
Natal looks great but the Milo bit was fake as hell. Though you'd need a frikking huge livingroom to play using that thing ^_^
Modern Warfare 2 looks totally awesome (getting it on PC though) and Forza 3 did impress me.
Metal Gear Solid: Rising looks cool but is multiplatform so not a big deal per say but I love the concept nontheless.
Halo ODST and Halo Reach looks good too (but I've not really play Halo at all apart from a bit on a XBL DL of the original.)
And I loved the look of Alan Wake.
As a whole I was impressed by Microsoft and as a 360 owner I do see it having a future and has some great stuff coming (though some boring stuff to) Grade: A-
The good stuff. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, New DS Zelda and the general Motion + stuff.
The bad: Boring and too slow. The New Super Mario Bros Wii just an up-resed version of the DS iteration. Plus that Vitality thing... Yet another thing that needs to be plugged somewhere and I don't see the point of it really.
All in all decent, better that last year(and no stupid story from Cammy about breaking something) so a grade C+.
They showed God of War 3 which looks brutal and it seems it's evolved quite abit from the other two.
MAG, They actually had a live 256 player demo on stage on the HUGE screen on stage. I'm curious about how they plan to do the hosting of matches and skirmishes. and what resolution and framerate they're shooting for. My guess is 720p 30fps.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, I'm impressed by how far into the scenery you can see and the colours and everything. I should go and get Uncharted shouldn't I?
Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker looks great and a sort of sequel to MGS3.
Gran Turisimo is just insane however you look at it and it is coming to PSP and PS3 and like 800 cars to collect! I am getting abit stoked I must admidt.
Rachet&Clank: A Crack in Time: Breif mention in the conf but I've seen gameplay and it looks great.
The wands. I like but will I need it? Got the PS Eye already so perhaps.
Final Fantasy VII announced for PSN and two days later out on PSN. And promptly bought.
Final Fantasy XIV MMO console exclusive. for me I don't give a squirt of piss about it.. Done with MMOs for the time being.
PSP Go. Cool but way too expensive!
Oh I'm forgetting stuff.
Sony was great and stole the show by sheer amount of content and the fact they had an answer to everything the other two came with. Grade A.
Apart for the big 3 there is an impressive amount of stuff coming. :-)
Based off the list, looks like Sony´s was way more interesting. I´m thinking of selling my DS now, and games. A bit sick of Nintendo.