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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mirror's Edge

Demo Thoughts

I downloaded the Mirror's Edge demo off the PSN last night and played it today. And here are my impressions on it.

The visuals are great albeit the sterile kind. Very clean. And one clean and tidy city, with the exceptions of the springboards, planks and such. 

The gameplay actually works real well on the console. I was worried it would be awkward seing as first person point of view on a parkour/freerunning game is a brave move. I found it easy to play yet abit hard to master. Only thing that was abit hard to judge was that one place where you have to jump across to another building and land on the wall pipes. Hard to judge when to jump and the angle to jump. 

While these things are positives I still don't see me throwing myself ass first to the game shop to buy it right away. I wasn't that blown away. Though it does seem like a good Zen game, the kind of game you can plug in to meditate to. 

Did my hype for the game increase, decrease or end up at status quo?  I'd say I feel like it made me move the game off the "got to have right away" list to the "get later" list. Having said that I still want the music which I really like.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Iron Man The Movie



Disclaimer: I have recently gotten into reading Marvel and have not read the Iron Man comics, With the exception of having started on the Civil War series. And as such do not know if the movie treats the comics right.

Watched on Blu-Ray. Contain spoilers though no more than a regular trailer has. 

Rated PG13 in the USA and in Norway rated for viewers 11 years or above.

Having said that I think this has to be the best superhero movie I've ever watched!

I sat down yesterday with the movie and a ton of popcorn and settled down to a evening/night of movie indulgance. Right off the bat I get the feeling of quality, with a great menu screen with a fully animated Iron Man doing various things and various pictures and such going over the screen on a cool fashion. Right.. Where was I? Ah! The movie!

The movie starts and the opening scene starts in a desert enviroment(the middle eastern kind) and you see a convoi of military vehicles is driving and the music kicks in. And I know I'm in for a treat for my musical taste, AC DC! And here the mayhem also begins. Tony Stark gets caught in a enemy attack and in the process gets injured and get capured. And this triggers the birth of Iron Man as it were. 

Now moving away from telling the story, and move on to my thoughts. I was expecting a great deal out of this movie as I'd heard a lot of praise for it. And as such I was very excited to watch this. 

And oh my fucking god! I was totally blown away!

I was having a blast watching this and thought it was done amazingly. The scenes were true to a comic book aestetic while being quite fresh. That being said comic books of this type, Marvel and DC (with their various branches), are quite a lot better in terms of laying out scenes than most movie directors tend to do. And the whole movie was a full on experience for start to finish. I was cheering, clapping, smiling and laughing.  And to recap the music bit, this movie has a great score and great music.

I have to say Robert Downey Jr. did a fantastic job! Well so did the rest but he stood out above the rest. 

One thing me and the girl at "my" comic book shop agreed on; We both love Tony Stark! And we both want one of them Iron Man suits for real. :-D

This is in short a total must-see!

And the extras on this is just awesome! everything in HD, non of that cheap "oh let's just pile the regular DVD stuff one there" crap. Everything done with a lot of care and respect much like the movie is. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Small Nerd Update

So this is just a small resumé of what I've indulged in this last week. 

I was at the comic book shop and picked up Get Fuzzy: The Dog Is Not A Toy (House Rule#4).

The Get Fuzzy comics

It's a real funny comic and I recommend it for everyone. 

While I haven't played much since my last post I've been out and picked up some proper triggers for my PS3 controllers. 


I got fed up with my fingers slipping off so I figured I'd fix that, and these things did! No more slipping off the controller and they are easy to move between controllers. 

And for my 360 controller I bought the Messenger Kit cus I got fed up with having to use the controller to type/reply to my MSN contacts, or to get up to the pc everytime. Sure my PC is the next chair over from where I play my consoles but it's annoying to move in the middle of a game. And now I have two headsets for my 360 as well, one black that came with the 360 and one white that came with the kit. 

And on the subject of games I've played this week. I've played a session of WoW, messed around a bit with Earthworm Jim 1, GH3 and tested some demoes.

And I propably saw the movie that lead to Heath Ledgers death last night. Candy. It's a really good movie and I recommend you all watch it. I say this probably lead to since from what i know Heath was a method actor.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Puzzle Quest: COTW Review

Played with expantion.

So I heard of this on the 2nd of september Annoyed Gamer, via the E3 Interview about Puzzle Quest Galatrix. I decided to give it a try, and tried the PC demo, which I like but I ended up getting it on the Xbox 360. I played it the last couple of weeks on and off during the days. 

I have quite enjoyed the game and it's a cool little title. It's a good casual type game that's a Bejeweled/Tetris and Fantasy RPG type mix. AI can be a bit tricky, but it's good.  And the puzzles can be quite a bitch to get through and survive. There's a modern day language used in the game for the most part. And Lord Bane took some tactics to beat. 

I got all the achivements I set out to get(12 out of 14) and is now done with the game.  

I can recommend it for anyone looking for a good casual title but if you don't like puzzle games stay away from it. 

Now anticipating PQ:G

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Some Thoughts

Civil War

I've started to read the Civil War comics from Marvel after I'd heard about it on Annoyed Gamer

I started with "The Road To Civil War" and will shortly read the "Civil War" comic. My version is the issue 1-7 collected into one paperback. It's totally awesome! Thank you Marcus for pointing me in that dircetion. :-)  ...I love comics.. I really do. 

My Gaming Life

So this week I've been playing my 360 alot, been kinda hooked on Puzzle Quest. I've got 8 out of 12 achivements on that and I've gained a few other ones. Played a little Gears Of War, the Penny Arcade Epi. 1 and some other stuff too. I did play my Wii a little with Zack&Wiki and some Wii Sports (which I haven't touched for months) and a little PS3 in the form of Star Wars The Force Unleashed and Guitar Hero 3. Not been like super hardcore but I've played more this week that before. But  I love to play. Going to play alot in the coming days/weeks/months. 

The Other Stuff

Other than that I've been working out twice in 4 days, doing 2 sessions (1H/45min) of strength and cardio. To get fitter, tone up and loose some weight/inches. I work with manuals (that I can adjust the weight on) and doing other stuff.  Who knows, maybe I'll do a hints&tips video at a later time. (no garantee!) 

And I've been following my fave podcasts, tv shows and such too. Listened to net radio, Some from Shout-cast.com and Bandit.se. And bought new shoes (about bloody time as I haven't bought new shoes since 05). 

So that's a little update from me.