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Monday, August 25, 2008

New Record Year In Norway?

A translation

From Gamer.no.

Gamer.no's article

If we are to believe the salesfigures for the first half of the year, we are heading towards another record year for the norwegian games market.

Norsk Spill- og Mulitmediaforening (Norwegian Games&Multimedia assosiation) has delivered the turnover numbers from the games industry for the first half of 2008, and can brag about that as a whole the industry has had a increase of 16,6% compared to the same time period of last year. 

Which makes the norwegian game market head to another record year. The industry has sold for 231 million NOK (about 41 million USD) during the first half of the year.

As per usual NSM has also published statistics over the various formats on the market, and the number show that the PlayStation 3 has taken the torch from the Playstation 2, which is the console that has sold the most games in this country.

Totally the PlayStation 3 has taken a 31% marketshare, while the X-Box 360 has 17,7% and the Wii has 14,2%. It is worth noticing that MicroSoft don't release their salesnumbers so the 360's real share is probably somewhat higher.

PC sales has had a marked downfall since last year, something that might be due to a lack of big titles (World of Warcraft Burning Crusade demolished all other competitors last year)

PC made up 15,2% of the norwegian market in sales. NSM only register sales over the counter and not the ever increasing digital download sales (Steam, Direct2Drive etc.)

Of the handheld systems the DS is leading the pack with a 9,5% of the total market. PSP is struggling hard with only 1,5%, while the old PS2 is still doing good with 11,2%.


The Pie chart in article is showing marketshare.

This is a direct translation of the article which I did to share these numbers as they might be of interest. Especially in looking at the differences between nations and regions. 

I take only credit for translation all other credits go to Joachim Froholt the writer of the original article. 

Friday, August 22, 2008

Star Wars The Force Unleashed

The Demo

So today saw the release of the demo of Star Wars The Force Unleashed on the PSN and XBL.

I got it off the PSN as I own a Playstation 3. 

I have played it abit and I'm really pleased with how it feels to play and the visuals are great. The game feels like the old Star Wars movies (Ep. 4-6) and the controls are tight. Having tried it I can say that my interest has gone from "this looks like a great game", to getting my Star Wars fangirl heart pumping. I have become truly stoked about it and I now want the game! 

I'm going to play this demo some more though the weekend but I'll just arrive at the same point:


Monday, August 18, 2008

First Trophy on PS3!


Tonight I got my first trophy.

Game: Super Stardust HD

Trophy: Close Encounters (Survival: Survive 45 seconds without fireing any weapon)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Watchmen Thoughts


I saw the trailer for the movie about three weeks ago and I just had to read the comic before the movie hit. Yes I know I'm late for the party so to speak. And on that note I have to share my thoughts on it.


I am thoroughly surprised by the depth in this comic and how the story, that's set in a alternative reality 1985 U.S.A. (for the most part), resonate with the world today.It is a great commetary on the state of the world. Sure it's set in a sort of bizzaro reality it could well be happening here. I feel this is the best comic I've read since I read Transmetropolitan! And both address the "What the fuck is going on in the world?" question.

I spent many hours getting though it, mostly because I stopped many a time to admire the art style and work. And the articles, anecdotes and essay style writings between the chapters made this a really different read than any other comic I've read in my life. And it's been a long time since I've been this enthralled by a story. I've litterally spent this weekend getting through it and put away everything else. 

This is a masterpiece! A must-read for anyone into reading. Actually this might turn you on to reading in general. 

My one worry for the movie is that it will fall sort of capuring the essence and depth of both the characters and the story. But having read the comic I'm really looking forward to watching it. Plus it's co written by David Hayter, the man who wrote X-Men and has the voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid games. So we'll see if he and his writing partner Alex Tse has the skills to bring this story to a movie form. And it's directed by Zach Snyder the man who did 300. I'll take a wait and see approach to the movie.

Now the comic has been polished up and put back in it's plastic protector and back into it's righfull place in my shelf. This is a comic I will take good care of.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Ramblings


The end of another week. Pretty uneventful week in my life. Nothing major happened.

Bought a new webcam which has some fun and useful features. Logitech Sphere MP. Will be using it to make videos (both silly and serious ones) and to keep in touch with friends out of town.

I've trained abit, working off those unwanted kilos/pounds and inches.

And played abit, Portal, and shooters for the most part.

Going to my cousin's kid's babtism this sunday. Going to be one of those meet the relatives and other people whom I don't know things. Free cake ;-)

Link that way ----->

Video of this week

I watched this on wednesday night. And it was the best end to the day. 
Chris T AKA Jungleboy and his bud Bobby G on guitar. 
Wether or not this video thing will be a regular feature I haven't decided upon yet.