Today I tinkered with the look of the blog. Rather pleased with the result considering the tools available :)
I am not a programmer nor coder so can't make my own layout and design. But it's fine like this.
Back at work after a week of to recharge the batteries.
Prior to that I got a new keyboard; the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate and rather pleased with it
Looks all sleek and very responsive keys and feel very good to type/game on.
And I have my webcam working again. I have found out I need more RAM but I'll sort that later.
Other than that been happy to find out Joe Rogan got his 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu black belt this week :)
Rated M - Thoughts, Opinions, Rants
Legalize MMA, Pro Boxing and all Martial Arts competitons World Wide
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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers
Friday, June 29, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Reading 48 Hours
I read these the last 48 hours

I started with Ultimate Iron Man (which is a Premiere Edition hardcover). Awesome art work and top notch writing, It's the origin story (of the Ultimate series) of Iron Man. If you liked the movies you'll like this.
Then continued with A Touch of Dead which is the collected short stories about Sookie Stackhouse and their placement in the "lore" is strewn in the middle of the full novels. I like these smaller glimpses into Sookie's world and sort of explains a few things I've read in them.
The Grand Inquisitor. That was a heavy read! And some of it outright was way over my head as I'm not much for religious things but on the whole a good read.
I started with Ultimate Iron Man (which is a Premiere Edition hardcover). Awesome art work and top notch writing, It's the origin story (of the Ultimate series) of Iron Man. If you liked the movies you'll like this.
Then continued with A Touch of Dead which is the collected short stories about Sookie Stackhouse and their placement in the "lore" is strewn in the middle of the full novels. I like these smaller glimpses into Sookie's world and sort of explains a few things I've read in them.
The Grand Inquisitor. That was a heavy read! And some of it outright was way over my head as I'm not much for religious things but on the whole a good read.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
E3 2012
11 days ago E3 2012 kicked off.
Gametrailers in league with Spike TV started it off before the press conferences started with various musings and trailers and then kept going for I think 6 hours day one and 5 hours day two of constant live streaming. I was working so I only could catch day one as a full on live from GT.
Gametrailers has since last year been my go-to site for my E3 coverage, with sprinklings from YouTube and added on. This year I was well pleased with GT and the level of quality of the coverage. (Though picture quality on the stream was SD). And the biggest bonus? 4 Invisible Walls in a row! Tuesday to friday.
So GT get a A- (would get a A with a better picture quality on stream)
On to the pressers.
Had Halo 4, Call of Duty Black Ops2 and the new South Park game that was their saviors.
The rest was so useless. Especially for us over here in Europe. I still haven't seen ANYTHING of the movie/TV stuff come here. (Netflix, ESPN and UFC on Xbox to name some) And NO! Zune HD does not count anymore as it is today more expensive than going out and buying a Blu Ray/DVD.
Smart Glass, sure you can use their browser and stuff with everything with this but the other things, game stuff.. I don't want my developers using more precious developer time to tack on yet another gimmick.
Kinect.. Yeah cool for those that like it but I am not one of them (only game I see myself ever playing is Dance Central). Just a bunch of mini games and Wii Fit like stuff..
Without the three games mentioned at the top this would be shit. I know I said on Twitter B- I have since revised that to a C-
Had a bunch of shooters, Battlefield 3 Premium subscription service, Crysis 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter and to an extent Dead Space 3 (more shootery what they showed), then their annual Need For Speed game (feels annual).
Cool enough. I am kinda interested in MoH mostly because MoH is said to have Norwegian special forces in it. Racing games I'm still burned out on.
Sports. They presented NFL and FIFA 13 and instead of showing the actual games off, some dude came on a talked FIFA stat crap and they brought out Michael Irving who talked some NFL stuff.. Instead of showing off their new ball game tech. UFC has been sold by THQ to EA and in the process Yukes who made the 3 first ones are now fired. I mean yeay for UFC games still being made but damn, I HOPE EA hires the original dev team to do the next one because I want them to expand upon UFC Undisputed 3. And with EA's online practices.. Yeah.. I am not fully positive to this.
And then SimCity both full game and Facebook game cool for the "sim'ers out there.
I give them a C overall.
Started out with some retro dressed chicks dancing for some Just Dance game with Flo Rider and I was like "urrggghh not more of this shit.." Then BOOM naked titties in my face! Far Cry 3 throws that in my face before the other action starts and the game is making you trip balls. Cool I'm into it, time will tell if I want to get it. Rayman Legends. Now that Wii U demo made a huge smile creep up on my face :) THAT'S how you show off new tech. (Nintendo take notes). Assassin's Creed 3 looks so great and Watch Dogs looks very intriguing. The Shootmania Esport stuff was tad meh but at least they got to show it off in a good way.
All in all this was A grade stuff and got my nerd boner going for the first time.
Shows off Beyond Two Souls, Looks good but hope it's not a Quick Time Event type game. I'm want a demo before buying just to find out. Assassin's Creed 3 naval warfare shown of and I liked it.
Last of Us is one of those games I really want. God of War Ascension cool I'll get it eventually. PlayStation All-Stars:Battle Royale. Cool but very Super Smash Bro Brawl. Minus The fling your defeated opponend off screen. Oh and Assassin's Creed Liberty on Vita looks really cool. Might break down and get a Vita if that bundle gets here. BTW Sony where is my video rental service on my PS3? Still not here.
That Wonderbook stuff.. That should just be a 60 second trailer instead of that shit you had on stage.
B+ Missed Last Guardian a ton.. Don't do the fucking Final Fantasy 13 crap and give us a 5 year promo circle before giving us that game.
Started off good with Pikmin 3 (though I have never played any Pikmin game so I don't know if it's a good game) but it disintegrated into a stale box of cookies by the end. (and to think they had 2 more parts online to this). No proper showing off of the Wii U, no hint as to what's in the console (and for crying out lout CNN had an article up that they thought the Gamepad was a new one for the old Wii) nor a hint of price.
Sure they will get tv stuff that as per usual NEVER get here.
Nintendo.. you failed miserably this year.
F for failing at what E3 is for..
I got the brain tingles when I saw these and the brain tingles are good :)
Gametrailers in league with Spike TV started it off before the press conferences started with various musings and trailers and then kept going for I think 6 hours day one and 5 hours day two of constant live streaming. I was working so I only could catch day one as a full on live from GT.
Gametrailers has since last year been my go-to site for my E3 coverage, with sprinklings from YouTube and added on. This year I was well pleased with GT and the level of quality of the coverage. (Though picture quality on the stream was SD). And the biggest bonus? 4 Invisible Walls in a row! Tuesday to friday.
So GT get a A- (would get a A with a better picture quality on stream)
On to the pressers.
Had Halo 4, Call of Duty Black Ops2 and the new South Park game that was their saviors.
The rest was so useless. Especially for us over here in Europe. I still haven't seen ANYTHING of the movie/TV stuff come here. (Netflix, ESPN and UFC on Xbox to name some) And NO! Zune HD does not count anymore as it is today more expensive than going out and buying a Blu Ray/DVD.
Smart Glass, sure you can use their browser and stuff with everything with this but the other things, game stuff.. I don't want my developers using more precious developer time to tack on yet another gimmick.
Kinect.. Yeah cool for those that like it but I am not one of them (only game I see myself ever playing is Dance Central). Just a bunch of mini games and Wii Fit like stuff..
Without the three games mentioned at the top this would be shit. I know I said on Twitter B- I have since revised that to a C-
Had a bunch of shooters, Battlefield 3 Premium subscription service, Crysis 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter and to an extent Dead Space 3 (more shootery what they showed), then their annual Need For Speed game (feels annual).
Cool enough. I am kinda interested in MoH mostly because MoH is said to have Norwegian special forces in it. Racing games I'm still burned out on.
Sports. They presented NFL and FIFA 13 and instead of showing the actual games off, some dude came on a talked FIFA stat crap and they brought out Michael Irving who talked some NFL stuff.. Instead of showing off their new ball game tech. UFC has been sold by THQ to EA and in the process Yukes who made the 3 first ones are now fired. I mean yeay for UFC games still being made but damn, I HOPE EA hires the original dev team to do the next one because I want them to expand upon UFC Undisputed 3. And with EA's online practices.. Yeah.. I am not fully positive to this.
And then SimCity both full game and Facebook game cool for the "sim'ers out there.
I give them a C overall.
Started out with some retro dressed chicks dancing for some Just Dance game with Flo Rider and I was like "urrggghh not more of this shit.." Then BOOM naked titties in my face! Far Cry 3 throws that in my face before the other action starts and the game is making you trip balls. Cool I'm into it, time will tell if I want to get it. Rayman Legends. Now that Wii U demo made a huge smile creep up on my face :) THAT'S how you show off new tech. (Nintendo take notes). Assassin's Creed 3 looks so great and Watch Dogs looks very intriguing. The Shootmania Esport stuff was tad meh but at least they got to show it off in a good way.
All in all this was A grade stuff and got my nerd boner going for the first time.
Shows off Beyond Two Souls, Looks good but hope it's not a Quick Time Event type game. I'm want a demo before buying just to find out. Assassin's Creed 3 naval warfare shown of and I liked it.
Last of Us is one of those games I really want. God of War Ascension cool I'll get it eventually. PlayStation All-Stars:Battle Royale. Cool but very Super Smash Bro Brawl. Minus The fling your defeated opponend off screen. Oh and Assassin's Creed Liberty on Vita looks really cool. Might break down and get a Vita if that bundle gets here. BTW Sony where is my video rental service on my PS3? Still not here.
That Wonderbook stuff.. That should just be a 60 second trailer instead of that shit you had on stage.
B+ Missed Last Guardian a ton.. Don't do the fucking Final Fantasy 13 crap and give us a 5 year promo circle before giving us that game.
Started off good with Pikmin 3 (though I have never played any Pikmin game so I don't know if it's a good game) but it disintegrated into a stale box of cookies by the end. (and to think they had 2 more parts online to this). No proper showing off of the Wii U, no hint as to what's in the console (and for crying out lout CNN had an article up that they thought the Gamepad was a new one for the old Wii) nor a hint of price.
Sure they will get tv stuff that as per usual NEVER get here.
Nintendo.. you failed miserably this year.
F for failing at what E3 is for..
The Games
The following games gained my attention this year:- Metro: Last Night
- Dishonored
- Assassin's Creed III
- Assassin's Creed: Liberty
- The Unfinished Swan
- Last of Us
- Far Cry 3
- Borderlands 2
- Rayman Legends
- South Park: The Stick of Truth
- Watch Dogs
- Star Wars 1313
- Hawken
I got the brain tingles when I saw these and the brain tingles are good :)
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