So the last two days I've been at my late grandmom's house, that has now been taken over by my mom(and my stepdad). And now they are renovating it top to bottom. And in that regard I've been there to help them out abit.
My mom came and picked me up at about 12:30pm, then we went to the shop near here and picked up the needed food for the "project". Then we we took on the two hour drive there. Upon arrival we had a quick lunch and some coffee.
Then me and my mom went upstairs and sorted and tossed a shit load of stuff. Three bedrooms worth of furniture and old crap. Which mostly got tossed out the window. The end result looking abit like this:

Then we had another coffee break, With cake and simply had a breather. After the break was over me and my mom took the bags and put them ready to be put in the barn. Then we dragged&carried the rest down to the beach(not the white and sandy kind). Which was many walks up and down a steep kinda slippery hill. When we were done with that we sat down and had a breather, before we took all the bags up to the barn. Plus some other crap we took up there.
The we had dinner while waiting for the tide to go out. We had porkchops with potatoes and veggies and bernaise sauce. Yummy! Then we had almond pudding with raspberrysauce for dessert. Then chilled for a bit.
We(me, my mom and stepdad) went down to the beach and burned the old furniture. And looked out to the dark sea and and got some fresh air. The fire was kinda awesome.

Then we went back up at about 10:30pm and called it the night.
I slept alone in the house that night while they slept up in their caravan. Lay in bed playing Sudoku on the DS until I fell a sleep. Woke up at about 9:30am, went downstairs and made coffee and made a fire in the oven to heat the house back up. Had breakfast and such. Then we packed down the stuff, they didn't want and that my aunts and uncles might want from the living room and tossed away everything broken. I grabbed some of stuff that I brough home. Plus we moved the bed I slept in to a different room. to make space for future renovation plans.
Then we had dinner and rested for a bit. Then we went through the kitchen in the same manner as the living room. Plus we washed abit. Then at about 5pm me and my mom headed back into town.
I got back home at about 7pm and sat down at the pc right away. and put on the heat. And discovered the lighttube in the bath had gone, couldn't be arsed to go down to the shop and buy a new one. Too fucking tired to do anything. So my bath is lit with a tea candle, cosy but very dark.
Now just sitting on my arse and being online. My hand hurt abit, probably a minor stretch. Not going to do a damn thing now.