My Doctor Who Podcast of Choice
And yes I refuse to type out TARDIS in anything other than CAPS! Hah!
Hosts for The Lonely TARDIS are
Shaun Norton, Dali Dimovski, Steven Strom and Marcus Beer.
Latest episode is out here discussing the 12th Doctor.
Listen to it and the other TLTs :-)
I am so happy Peter Capaldi is cast as the 12th Doctor, I have gone through a wee shuffle in my brain spaces and have realised, what I REALLY wanted was an older man in the part again.
The show itself has never truly been as accused; racist, sexist and unprogressive socially.
Sure there has been some white actors portraying non-white characters and been stereotypical in the voicing and such but were there really the talent there to do the actual race of the character back then?
And "New Who" has Retconned races into certain positions they would not have in the era portrayed.
As for sexism, there has been strong females since the start, I view Barbra as the first strong female in the show. And for the most part the women/girls came off better than the male companions- (fair enough I've not gotten to Doctors 5-8 yet.).
As for going older man, the bloody show started with an older man, age range 55-26 from 1963-2013 (start of Capaldi's run start about October?), So glad they now made shipping creepy (Jenna is young enough to be Capaldi's daughter). I have had the most admiration for Donna Noble as she could not give any fucks, and was by far the strongest companion I've seen so far.
Woman Doctor, black Doctor; We're not quite there yet. As said on the podcast I fully agree with Marcus on this. And yes Helen Mirren is the only one I can see as the Doctor. And yes The Doctor HAS to be British (because the show is quintessential British), and a man. I'm not for being politically correct at all and the stupid controversy drummed up about casting a woman or non-white person just because of PC or fake (in my view) feminism, just annoy me. In a few years maybe, just not now so go away. And for the whiny "Ew he's old and not cute like 10." or whatever these people are going on about.. You're not needed. Ageist is what you are. If you have to have some cute young guy go rewatch series 2-7(28-33) again.
Now I am a big fan of William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Chris Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith, they all brought their own thing and added to the mythos of The Doctor. As said earlier I have yet to form a relationship with Peter Davidson, Colin Baker, Sylvester Macoy and Paul McGann as I've yet to see them. But I'm sure they will end up in my fan file too.
Open heart and open arms welcome The Doctor with all his faces and incarnations.
End of brain space dump.
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