PS Meeting 2013, My Thoughts
So at midnight on Wednesday (or technically Thursday) Sony held their PS Meeting 2013 where they announced PlayStation 4. I watched on GT since I like that they gives us the Spike pre and post shows streamed too.
I was a bit unsure if it would be called PS4 mainly because the number 4 is considered unlucky in parts of Asia (including Japan) much like 13 here. But it was.
They basically apologized to the developers for the difficult Cell environment and stated they PS4 is gamer and developer focused. They called their architecture a supercharged PC environment, built around the X86 processing (same as PC gaming) and 8GB of unified memory (a massive jump from PS3's 512MB). Also large storage.
In terms of network and download they have a dedicated chip for downloading, allowing you to background downloads, downloads while powered down and downloads of games and allowing you to start playing before the entire game is downloaded.
Also you'll be allowed to now do live streams of your gaming via their partneship with Ustream. (also Facebook integration) Also Gaikai will as time goes give you stream and play over the internet (much like OnLive has) They showed their new controller with the share buttons, headset jack and a slight modified form factor plus a touchpad. No show of actual console but I did not expect that.
Also harder PS Vita integration with ability to cross play with the PS4 games and stop and start gaming kinda like you do on Netflix with shows and movies.
I remain very positive to what I've heard, but will not jump on the hype train until Microsoft has said what their next box will be like. And until E3 has been.
But maybe I now get some use out of my Ustream account ;-)
I want to know more but I am getting the nerd tingles.
They showed real gameplay of Killzone: Shadow Fall (Guerilla Games)
While still having that floaty future shooter thing going and not the greatest jump in graphical fidelity it had a much larger scope than previous games, feeling much more open and great draw distance. AND bunch of colours. Not just brown, gray and red.
They announced InFamous Second Son (Sucker Punch), Deep Down {working title] (Capcom) and Blizzard is bringing Diablo 3 to PS3 and PS4. The Halo guys at Bungie showed up to show that tells us nothing trailer for Destiny and announced exclusive content for PS4 (now that could something as lame as a gun or a skin only) And Ubisoft came and showed off some more of Watch Dogs. And Media Molecule came and had a little cute Move demo thing with sculpting and pupped show and you know, them being them,
Square Enix in my opinion was the fail of the night, not only showing us something we saw like a year ago and telling us to look forward to E3 to hear something from them.
Presentation generally good with some issues. Best guy was Mike Cerny, that guy I really like.
Sucker Punch got too dark. Why did Destiny need four guys for that?
And Sony.. Next time demand NEW stuff from Square Enix or leave them out.
Final PlayStation 4 judgement comes after E3.