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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Urban Legend

Initial Impressions

The Urban Legend is a Norwegian superhero comic written by Josef Tzegai Yohannes, drawn by Newtasty and coloured by Sara Machajewski & Juan Moraga Gonzalez.

"The Birth of A Real Superhero!"

Plot plays out in Capital City a.k.a. God's City, A city reeking with corruption and more or less ran by Devil's Advocate and his ilk. A poilce force incapable at protecting it's citizens and do their jobs.
29 year old Malcom T. Madiba a high school teacher is the protagonist.
This is the origin story of how The Urban Legend was born.

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For more info (Twitter/Facebook etc.) visit The Urban Legend site.

I bought it after hearing about it on Teikneseriehovudstaden that I found on Rad Crew's site (Norwegian gaming/geek/pop culture podcasts). I wanted to check it out as I got curious.
I am liking it well so far and feel I look forward to the new issue every month.
The writing is good and the illustrative work is very well done, and good colouring.

I like it so much I care that it gets a bigger audience.

Will launch in the USA soon.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Olympic Wrestling Saved!

Will be at the 2020-2024 games

The sport will be revamped in rules and presentation going forward.

So happy! Cus I've seen how wrestlers felt face to face.