It's been quiet on my front lately. haven't really been up to much besides sleeping, eating and working. Well that's only somewhat true. I've been reading abit, finished the first part of Barack Obama's book Dreams From My Father. So far it is a really good read. It's very honest and direct while showing a great use of contemporary english, I find it to be great writing. Once I've finished the book I'll come back with more thoughts on it.
And I've been keeping up with my fave shows; Countdown, Rachel Maddow etc. I was saddened today watching the final episode of Stargate Atlantis ever (well there is one movie coming) and it was a real good SGA episode. And I've watched Sanctuary, a great new show featuring Amanda Tapping of Stargate SG-1 fame. And bought myself new awesome nerd shirts, one Hulk and one Iron Man.
Today I've been contemplating importing some books. As the shops here is unable to get the books I tend to want to read, but I have a tendency to find kind of obscure titles that is written by people that noone here has ever heard about. I'm thinking ordering them straight from the USA ( FTW) but I need to find out what it'll cost me first.
And I've been in town and finally gotten myself a proper single malt to enjoy, going to pour myself one in a little while. I could finally afford to buy one.
The end to my evening/night? I went on YouTube and put on Caramelldansen (SSBB version) and wiggled my hips and bounced around to the beat. Jolly good fun every now and then and a frikking good "get the heartrate up" thing to do. What can I say sometimes you just need something totally silly.