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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers

Saturday, October 16, 2010

PR time! Sanctuary Fansite

Yesterday with the premiere of season 3 of Sanctuary a brand new fansite for the show was launched. As such I thought I'd give it some much needed PR as: 

  • I adore the show.
  • It is a great little site with lots of content already.
  • To give props to Shelley Templar a.k.a. Shelma32 for putting it together and doing a great job.
  • Go and visit www.sanctuarynetwork.org To learn more and join. We pride ourselves as fans to be as awesome as the people behind the show and as such we welcome all of you with open arms.

    I have and will be providing some of the content of this site, So far my job is episode guide and depending on time and what Shelly might need I'll be aiding her in this project. 

    Come visit and join us! :D