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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers

Sunday, November 1, 2009

God of War III


This weekend the good folks at Sony Computer Entertainment saw it fit to give me early access to the game. They did a selected "valued PlayStation®Network user" access code giveaway and I guess they value me :-)

It is the E3 2009 demo and within the demo file they've included the E3 trailer from the same event. And what do I think?  

First off the demo is pretty kick-arse and does showcase alot of the gameplay mechanics and does it well. It looks great and feels organic to play once you've screwed your head around the controls and the flow of it's use. Made me want the game and the PSP game and made me look forward to the re-issue of GoW and GoW II in upscaled Blu-Ray glory.

Visceral and primal, yet sophisticated and absolutely NOT for kids! I am pretty hardened when it comes to violence in my media but this has some moments even I felt a bit "urk.. feel a little sick". I do love it when things can shake me up and stir something deep in me. :)

I do see that this is a 6+month old build and that it's essentially a beta code but with this as the basis for the late March 2010 release, this game is going to be awesome! No questions asked. If this is a real taste for the game I am so there come March 24th next year, first in line.

I do however question the reasoning behind this type of demo release. I guess they like to do something special at times and make some feel special in the process. But having said that, they ought to have a new demo out some time prior to the game being released for all PSN users.