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For Nerds, Geeks, Fight Fans & Lovers

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What's up? A little update on my life.

Right.. I've not been real active with the blog lately but I've been up to a few things.

Mainly I've been busy working. I've gotten promoted since my last life update, I've gone up to shift manager in rank and is now attending the business meetings and what come with the territory of being in the leader group at work. I've learned alot since I started but i still have tons to learn left. I have to say i do love the work as it presents a challenge and gives me a proper insight into what actually goes into running a shop.  And the people at work fits well with who I am and we have some good laughs. 

Games, yeah I have played some UFC 2009 Undisputed, Uncharted, Final Fantasy VII, and some other little stuff. Found a great way to keep a sort of diary about my gaming. GamerDNA. Where you add your game collection then either through direct updates via XBL or manually PSN or Steam and Xfire keep track of you play habits and how much you play. And you can find likeminded people there.  Contemplating getting the Tales of Monkey Island SE off XBLA or should I buy it on Steam? (though Steam in Europe has had a rather big jump in price since they did the typical idiot move of thinking 1$=1€ which is false. 1€=1,42$ . )

And I've read abit lately. Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis A really good book but for the 18+ crowd. NOT for teens/children.  and slowly making my way through Obama's bio. 

Other than that been helping my brother move.. Again. think this is the third time in a year. And doing my internet stuff and trying to keep a tidy flat. a little later today I'll be playing and reading some more. 
